Thursday 11 September 2014

Task: A story in six pictures

The morning was spent analysing the components of a story. Considering the beginning, middle and end of a story, the balance between success and failure of the protagonist, and how the setup will affect the end.

We then created a series of six photos that told a story drawing inspiration from out ten meaningful objects.

The character, the red hand, has their pen stolen by the hand we dubbed 'evil hand'. In fighting back and becoming victorious, the pen is broken, leading to a tragic and dramatic end. 

Considering all of the setup, the world, the character and their one flaw (characters are bungalows, they have one 'flaw') was an incredibly enjoyable experience. Even if eventually the world of the hands was a very empty one indeed.

In regards to the task, I felt that we told the story adequately, and no frame was repeating itself (a new action is displayed in each) however in no frame is anything misleading, besides perhaps the initial expectation that you will see the people attached to the hands and yet never do.

In order to perhaps provide something more misleading we attempted a second run, however beside the leap from the first to the second we didn't manage anything so misleading as we did comedy.

Again, a tragedy by the end as the protagonist is left without their desire.

One of the main challenges was trying to fit a story into only six panels. I think that if I had another chance I would try to include a more fantastical world for my character to be in, as both worlds were more a product of what resources we had near, and it would have been more fun to attempt to create a totally new world.

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