Monday 1 September 2014

Task: Create Blog

The first official day of term has proven just as tiring as any drastic change in routine. That is to say, a bit.

Task one was to create a blog, one which will remain updated with records and the products of daily tasks and creations as I progress throughout the year.

The day started off with an activity related to ten objects which we were required to bring in: objects that either had personal significance or represented something alike, in order to aid us in answering the question 'who are you?'. Though, that's possibly the bluntest way of phrasing it.

Indeed, the upcoming research will really familiarise myself with who I am, and whether or not I am correct in my initial assumptions of what makes me 'me'.

Though it may not be terribly clear, the above work are the quick, 5 minute sketches of each object. Each sketch was completed in charcoal, and the various arrows and labels in gold are attempting to illustrate the various connections I found between the items as I considered their significance in my life.

Already I have discovered that despite my long held belief that I am quite capable of remaining alone and enjoying myself, 8/10 items were only valued because they represented my love of other people. In fact, not one single item was chosen because of what it was in itself. Even a book which I prised for its content would be easily replaced if (god forbid) my house burnt down.

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