Sunday 21 September 2014

Fashion and Textiles: Part 3

After selecting a favourite (or most easily constructed) design from the previous day, our task on the final day of the direct rotation was to create a paper toile if our chosen design. We then had to ensure that ample photographs had been taken of it completed - on both mannequin and model.

I was very glad of my prior experience with textiles and pattern work, simply because it gave me a base from which to start.

I had chosen to make my 12th design into a toile because it was simple and striking in structure, and reminiscent of various different characters, the shape of the garment remarked to be similar in ways to the Akatsuki from Naruto, the blue lines dividing up the torso and arms also reminiscent of Kyogre, a legendary Pokemon.

It is important to note that the above picture is in fact, the back of the garment. Or, it could also be used as the front in you did not wish the high collar to obscure your face. 

After I had completed the basic shape of the toile, I realised two very significant features of my design. Firstly, it could be worn back to front without contradiction or difficulty. Secondly, and perhaps more important, it can be worn easily by either genders due to its neutral cut and pattern.

This is why I had it modelled by my friend Fidel, whose striking features and short hair provide the presentation of the garment with a much more androgynous aesthetic.

Although through the course of the day - modelling, travelling around in order to take a photo on every level, then on and off the mannequin, then back on Fidel for a casual catwalk at the end of the day - it got rather creased and the oil pastel with which I drew on the blue lines, it was still a shame to see it go to the bin.

Nevertheless, I have a plethora of images of my piece in action. I also have the reassurance that I am capable of much more than I previously thought in two hours.

This week has been a challenge, but has given me much more faith in my abilities to simply let an idea roll forwards with a natural sense of momentum. It has also provided Fidel with an ample amount of potential Facebook profile pictures.

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