Sunday 5 October 2014

Graphics: Part 1

The first day was spent with the aim to create a collage using a photo we had to bring in of ourselves.

However, before we created the collage, we were put into groups of four and instructed to draw one another, then ourselves, only with varying conditions. Those being with our eyes closed (after staring at them for a full minute), with our weaker hand, then with our mouths. Lastly, a self portrait completed without using any pictures nor reflective surfaces for reference.

As someone who created a rather accurate self portrait, I felt rather vain.

We then had to draw a picture of someone's ear. We put all of our drawings on the ground before returning upstairs and taking a photograph of all of them together.

In the afternoon however, we got on with creating the main product of the day; the collage. After photocopying and enlarging my image, I made it black and white, and produced yet another copy in green. I decided to stick with the theme of green and black and white - if not for the rather trivial reason that having dyed my hair green I am rather restricted to the colourless items of my wardrobe.

 Besides the use of our face, it was also required that we included at least one word of text - I used cuttings of a photocopy of an issue of french Vogue from 2007 using the words 'de la vérité'.

I find the image rather interesting, simply observing it as a product with little to no plan, but the result of letting my hands get on with cutting things up, sticking things down, resizing and then considering the tones of grey - completed mostly in a state of autopilot after a large lunch.

The bright tone of the green certainly adds a depth to the piece, and it is rather engaging.

It is also reminiscent of perhaps computer coding; black and green.

I don't know that I would change anything had I the chance to repeat the day. I might try to find a darker or plainer background for the selfie I used, however the spontaneity of the task prevented me from considering the picture too much. Why put excess effort into staging something that mightn't be used? Then again, I had every opportunity to manually cut out the background and replace it with a darker image, and didn't.

The day was spent exploring where my instincts could take me with these images.

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